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Did China Just Crash The Market?

Is China's policy in regards to citizens sending money out of the country about to fuel a real estate market crash in Canada?

We recently saw these policies effect an off shore, non-citizen Seller during one of our recent transactions. As a result, our client ended up with a steal of a deal.

But what could this mean for the rest of the market? How many of these off shore owners are out there?

In this video, Surrey real estate agent Steve Karrasch of Macdonald Realty outlines the storey and how our client was able to secure a property at a great price, due to another countries monetary policy.

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If you are looking for help or have any questions regarding real estate in Surrey, Metro Vancouver or the Fraser Valley, please reach out below using which ever way is most convenient.

book time with Steve
call or text: 604-549-5828
email: steve@krproperties.ca